This picture is for celebrationg 200.000 hits on my Y! gallery page, I'm so happy! Thanks to all of you guys who also come and visit my blog, I promess I'll make a special picture for the blog when I get to 100.000 :)
This is Cray from the breath of fire 4 game, the character I first posted online like 10 years ago, and also the one who gave me my nickname.
I hope you'll like it. :)
Yay Cray!!
Hadn´t sen him in a long time!
Great butt!
Hey Congratulations Cray! Great work!
Thanks a lot guys! It has been a while since I started my gallery there, and it makes me very happy to know people like my art.
Also it means a lot to hear it from you Monkeygogo, you're one of my favorite artists! :)
Felicitaciones amigo!!!
Muchas gracias! Ojala algun dia tenga tantos visitantes como tu :D
Pero Cray! 200 mil son muchos mas que mis visitas!!!
Ojalá contara yo con ese pedazo de cifra!!!
Pero bueno, día con día se van acumulando. XP
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